Thursday, June 16, 2005

What matters is...

Well, the good news tonight is the play went well. It was the last dress before opening- hooray for having connections, means I saved $15 on a ticket. Only hitch that they had was one slip of a line in the last act and a fire alarm during the second intermission. All in all, an enjoyable evening, except for the piercing wail of smoke detectors. And the costumes were lovely.

As for the game... Well. To be honest, I didn't expect too much. There were too many 'ifs' in the equation for me to really expect them to pull out a third win against the White Sox. The team met my expectations for the series- I thought they'd either get swept or take two out of three. Glad they decided to take the route of sarcastic optomism.

But some good things to be salvaged from this all. The Diamondbacks still managed to put together 6 runs, which is not an unpleasant total, and off of a pretty good pitcher, too. Garland only gave up six runs in 30 innings for the entire month of April. Meanwhile, Tony Clark picked up his 11th home run- imagine what this guy would be doing if he was playing every game. So while it wasn't a resounding victory, I'll go for the considerate "Did okay, I s'pose."

Day off tomorrow, and then in to Cleveland. I think we could do some damage to them, so hopefully we can take some momentum from the first two games of our series here.